Assemblage Art in Beacon and on Beguile

It’s cold outside! The art studio (former garage) has no heat, but before I closed the door on it until springtime I had some pieces to finish. A group show was in the wings, and so I had to kick these babies out of the nest. (Did I mention I am part magpie?) Here is some of the “before”:




And the final results (plus 8 more), which are in a group show entitled Family, at the Mad Dooley Gallery here in Beacon. Featured in the Po-Jo (Poughkeepsie Journal)’s “What Inspires Me” column.



And over in Paris, some slightly older pieces from my Illumination series are currently featured on the e-zine Beguile.




So, on the shortest month of the year, a little “show-and-tell” between the shivers!

4 thoughts on “Assemblage Art in Beacon and on Beguile

  1. The old wood in a white wood box frame has found a good home. This makes me remember old photo print sleeves and their kitchy art, and think about the next goody bag to send. Also, I think you must add heat to the artspace, winter takes too long.

  2. Pingback: The Art of Scavenging | Dirndl Skirt Gatherings

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